Floor Trends magazine recently featured the EnviroSTIX Classic ‘peel and bond’ system by Base King, LLC/ EnviroSTIX™. The article shared the EnviroSTIX Classic System is “the original peel and bond EnviroSTIX™ System. It has been on the market proving as a solution for jobs with time-sensitive, budget-tight, challenging projects for over a decade.” Floor Trends went on to share “EnviroSTIX Classic includes the pre-cured EnviroSTIX Adhesive combined with the quick drying ES-P (EnviroSTIX Primer).”
This system works with most major commercial flooring manufacturers’ product lines, without the usual mess and time associated with traditional moisture mitigation systems.
“EnviroSTIX Classic performs on projects up to 99.0% RH for high relative humidity protection with aggressive, moisture-resistant adhesive. This pre-mixed, roll-on, PH-neutralizing primer boasts the ease of peel-and-bond adhesive, plus quick and easy installation.”
To read more, visit Floor Trends. To learn more, visit EnviroSTIX™.